I am a 3rd year Ph.D. student at University of Virginia, working with Prof. Felix Lin. My current research interests lie in machine learning + computer systems. My past research projects are related to low-level optimization on the Linux Kernel.
Efficient NLP Inference at the Edge via Elastic Pipelining (ASPLOS’23)
Liwei Guo, Wonkyo Choe, Felix Lin
Rethinking Remote Memory Placement on Large-Memory Systems with Path Diversity (ApSys’21)
Wonkyo Choe*, Sang-Hoon Kim, Jeongseob Ahn
Exploring the Design Space of Page Management for Multi-Tiered Memory Systems (ATC’21)
Jonghyeon Kim*, Wonkyo Choe, Jeongseob Ahn
A Study of Memory Placement on Hardware-Assisted Tiered Memory Systems (CAL’20)
Wonkyo Choe*, Jonghyeon Kim, Jeongseob Ahn
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